Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Weekend

Heide and Spence!! Oh yeah and a man and his dog..LOL Rick and Harley! Big Spencer had his cereal bowl with him...silly.. We had a fun crazy weekend. Amanda, her girls and thei dog had a sleepover with us on Sunday night! What fun...Then we got up to watch the parade before they all went to spend time with the sperm that created them...

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Indoor Camping...

Here is my masterpiece of a camping experience. We tried yesterday but they were naughty so it got torn down. Today was busy..We went for a walk in the morning and to the park for a picnic with the Klein's.. Now it is camping time!!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Taking things for granted

Sunday I had a really great day planned and first thing in the morning I got the bad news that it wasn't going to in my despair, I had to find a place to go during my open house. So I decided to go down by Lake Michigan, which is unusual for me. I live only miles away from a beautiful creation of God and totally take it for granted. I brought a book that I have been reading..a sort of "self-help" book...What a bunch of crap...Obviously written by a caveman himself trying to explain why it is ok that men are cavemen...Oh and that women should learn to accept them basically..Asshole! I could not concentrate on the book because I was drawn to how pretty the lake and surrounding areas are. I was pretty upset but a sense of calm came over me. At least for that brief time I was ok...Then I got home and remembered why I was pissed...LIFE!!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Hotty Police Officer Gary! a friend of mine from high school was in town this past week... Isn't it funny how it makes you look back at the past and remember the weirdest things. Gary was a quiet guy.. I vividly remember for some reason he turned into my personal weather man freshman year. I would go watch all the little freshman guys play baseball at Lincoln park...they were so cute. Now, Gary is a police officer. He isn't cute, he is hot! LOL...It is always the quiet ones. Oh well congratulations to his lovely wife that snaggged him..He is still a very nice guy...His best friend isn't so bad either ;) HA